Notifications of major holdings

Pursuant to sections 33 et seqq. of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG), any person whose shareholding in an issuer reaches, exceeds or falls below 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50% or 75% of the voting rights by purchase, sale or by any other means shall, without undue delay, and at the latest within four trading days, notify the Issuer and, simultaneously, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) accordingly. Pursuant to section 40 paragraph 1 WpHG, the Issuer is obliged to publish notifications so received without undue delay, and at the latest within three trading days after receipt of the notification.

The share capital of Deutsche Börse AG relevant for the calculation of the thresholds currently amounts to €188,300,000.00 and is divided into 188,300,000 registered shares with no par value.

Since 1 July 2020, notifications of major holdings are generally to be transmitted electronically in a readable file format as well as in „Extensible Markup Language“ file format (XML dataset).

We kindly request shareholders obliged to inform Deutsche Börse AG about changes in major holdings to send the relevant notification in readable and XML file format to the following email address:

In case of technical failures of the above email address which render an electronic submission impossible, please send the notification without undue delay to the following telefax number or, in original form, to the following postal address:

Deutsche Börse AG 
Investor Relations
60485 Frankfurt am Main 
Telefax: +49-(0) 69-2 11-1 46 08

We publish incoming notifications of major holdings in the language in which they were received. It may therefore happen that notifications shown on our website are exclusively in German or English and not in both languages.

500 results

13 Feb 2025

Regulatory announcement

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America (USA)

13 Feb 2025

Regulatory announcement

J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, United States of America (USA)

12 Dec 2024

06 Dec 2024

28 Nov 2024

27 Nov 2024