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Deutsche Börse at a glance

Deutsche Börse at a glance

Deutsche Börse Group provides shareholders and analysts with comprehensive continuous information about its business development. On the following pages, you will find the most important key indicators of Deutsche Börse Group’s last financial report and information on the expected developments. In addition, you can download the most recent monthly trading statistics and business performance figures here.

Company figures

Deutsche Börse Group

Key figures of the previous annual reports of Deutsche Börse Group, including net revenue, earnings per share, return on equity and EBIT margin.

Aims and outlook

The report on expected developments describes Deutsche Börse Group’s expected performance in financial year.

Share and bonds

Current price and company information on Deutsche Börse AG shares as well as an overview of all bonds issued by Deutsche Börse AG.


Current statistics contain the trading volumes of the cash and derivatives market from 2002 to the present and the post-trading performance figures from 2006 to the present.

Additional Information


Investor relations hotline

Service times: Mon-Fri, 9:00 – 18:00

+49 69 21111670

Notifications of major holdings